Author: Ron P. Schwery
As part of the Cognitive Raider Initiative we at The Cognitive Warrior Project would like to put together a daily list of diverse articles that can easily be chosen from to play a part in developing a more mentally agile warfighter that embraces the adaptation required
Daily Dump: Urban Breaching, The War In Kosovo, Continued Taliban Advance, Hatti and More in Today’s Reading
As part of the Cognitive Raider Initiative we at The Cognitive Warrior Project would like to put together a daily list of diverse articles that can easily be chosen from to play a part in developing a more mentally agile warfighter that embraces the adaptation required
Daily Reading List: July 8, 2021
As part of the Cognitive Raider Initiative we at The Cognitive Warrior Project would like to put together a daily list of articles of varying length that can easily be chosen from to generate conversation and to play a part in developing a more mentally agile
Daily Reading List: July 7, 2020
As part of the Cognitive Raider Initiative we at The Cognitive Warrior Project would like to put together a daily list of articles of varying length that can easily be chosen from to generate conversation and to play a part in developing a more mentally agile
Daily Reading List: July 6, 2021
As part of the Cognitive Raider Initiative we at The Cognitive Warrior Project would like to put together a daily list of articles of varying length that can easily be chosen from to generate conversation and to play a part in developing a more mentally agile
Girl Power: An Irregular Warfare Podcast about Kick Ass Kurdish Women
Over the weekend I had a good bit of windshield time which allowed me to get caught up on some podcasts and here is one that I could not more highly recommend. It tells the story of the Kurdish Women’s Protection Units and how they were a key element in the fight
Podcast: John Batchelor Discusses Drones and Other Emerging Technologies with The Drive’s Tyler Rogoway
A couple quick Podcasts for your weekend listening about drones and warplanes. This time it’s John Batchelor interviewing Tyler Rogoway, a writer for The War Zone on The Drive about drone warfare in the Israel – Palestinian fight. If you care about emerging
META: What is The Cognitive Warrior Project Anyway?
If you have been following this blog at all you may have noticed a rather steep decline in posts over the last 5 months or so. Truth be told, like all of us, quite a few things have been competing for my time and I have not been able to put in what it takes […]
Looking to the Past to Leverage Future Technology: Armed Overwatch
Several weeks ago I listened to a new podcast from the Modern War Institute’s Irregular Warfare Podcast – Armed Overwatch: Airpower in Irregular Warfare – Past, Present and Future. I decided to do a bit more research and this is what I came up with
Another Excellent Podcast: Special Operations Forces in the High North – MWI
It’s all podcasts all the time here! We have another must listen to podcast that, if you care even a little about the New Great Power Completion, you really should listen too. This time we go to the Modern War Institute for an interview with the 10th Special Forces